Oswego County’s Office for the Aging

Transportation to out of County Doctor appointments for those 60+ years of age. To register for a ride please call the OFA Office at 315-349-3484. Reservations are required.

Upcoming Events: Thursday, June 20th at the Oswego Farmer’s Market, the Longest Day Event will happen. This will begin at 4:45pm with a short presentation then followed by a walk around the Bridge St & Utica St. bridges.

The 2024 Senior Picnic has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 14th. This will be at the Mexico VFW.

Transportation update: The Office for the Aging was able to provide 12 trips to date. All trips were to Syracuse. GoGo Grandparent has added local Taxi Companies to their list of options.

Town Residents/Property Owners

Second Notices are being sent to those who have yet to pay their 2024 Town & County Taxes. I’ll be collecting in person on April 1, 2024 from 10am to 4pm. I’ll also will be accepting postmarked mailings of April 1, 2024.

The 2024 Tax Season will officially be over April 2, 2024. I return my books to the County on April 16th.

Town Clerk Hour’s

The hours for the Town Clerk will be Monday thru Friday 10:00 am to 2:00pm. If you need to make an appointment after these hour’s, please call 315-298-5545 and leave a message or email albion3750@outlook.com or clerk@townofalbion-ny.us

The Town Clerk’s office will be closed on Federal Holiday’s.

Notice of Completion of Assessment Roll for 2023

Pursuant to Section 516 of the Real Property Tax Law

Notice has been given that the Assessor for the Town of Albion has completed the Assessment Roll for the current year 2023; on July 1, 2023, a copy will be left with the Town Clerk at 15 Bridge St., Altmar, NY 13302, where it can be seen and examined by any person interested.

Dated this 28th day of June 2023

Michael Maxwell, Sole Assessor


email: maxwellappraisal1954@gmail.com

Census 2020

The census is a constitutionally mandated count of everyone living in the United States, regardless of their citizenship status. Conducted every ten years, the census is one of the nation’s most important programs. New Yorker’s fair share of federal funds for programs, as well as our congressional representation in Washington, D.C. all depends on an accurate and fully counted census response. Billions of dollars for New York State are at stake.

There are three ways to respond to the 2020 Census:

  • online- visit https://my2020census.gov
  • phone- (844) 330-2020     
  • by mail- mail in the form you should have received in March or April from the Census Bureau.

The census consists of just 10 basic questions: name, number of people living or staying the the home on April 1, 2020; whether the residence is a house, apartment, or mobile home; telephone number; sex; age; date of birth; Hispanic origin; race; and relationship with other household members.

The U.S. Census Bureau is bound by law to protect your answers and keep them strictly confidential. The information you provide is used only to produce statistics.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the timeline to complete the census has been extended to October 31, 2020.

Starting August 11, the Census 2020 will begin a new phase – the follow-up interviews with non-respondents. A strong response before this date best positions New York for a complete final count.

New York State’s response rate to date has been 59.7%. Albion is a little lower, at 53.8%, and we’re a long way from a complete response. If you haven’t responded yet, it’s not too late to help us get there!