Category Archives: Uncategorized

Save The Date!!!

Oswego County’s 20th Annual Career Summit will be held on Thursday, June 5, 2025 at the Oswego County Fairgrounds.

Attention 8th Graders! Come join us in learning about potential future career options through demonstrations and hands-on workshops. Come learn about a variety of local programs and opportunities available to you. Enter to win a prize!

Talk to your Guidance Counselor today or call the Youth Bureau for more information at 315-349-3451.

Emergency Disaster Grant from CCUSA

Catholic Charities received an Emergency Disaster Grant from CCUSA to support Oswego County’s efforts to help community members with expenses related to the recent snowstorm. They can assist with snow removal costs, damages costs…anything related to the storm. This specific to those unable to handle this on their own – please have people contact the main office at 315-598-3980 and speak to someone in the community service department. The funding is limited so they will do their best to triage and assist as many as they can.

Mary-Margaret Pekow, LMSW Executive Director, Catholic Charities of Oswego County

Tyler Peet, Oswego County Emergency Management Coordinator: 315-591-9159 (office) or 315-532-3941 (cell). Or email:

Oswego County Rabies Clinics

Suggested donation $7.00 per pet.

All Rabies Clinics are by appointment ONLY on Wednesday evenings from 6 pm to 8 pm. Appointments will be scheduled clinic by clinic, with lines opening the Wednesday prior. If you are unable to keep your appointment for any reason, please call to cancel it. All pets must be at least 3 months of age. Pets receiving their first rabies shot must get a booster within 1 year. All pets must be restrained on a leash or in a pet carrier. Proof of previous vaccination is required to qualify for a three-year certificate. Accepted forms of proof: 9a) “Certificate of Vaccination” obtained from veterinarian or Oswego County Environmental Division or (b) “Dog License” showing rabies expiration date.

March 26th: Oswego County DPW Scriba Garage, 31 Schaad Drive, Oswego

April 23rd: City of Oswego DPW Garage, 114 Mitchell Street, Oswego

May 7th: Oswego County DPW Pulaski Garage, Centerville Road, Pulaski

June 11th: Hastings Town Highway Garage, 110 Wilson Road, Central Square

July 9th: Granby Town Highway Garage, 820 County Route 8, Fulton

August 6th: Bristol Hill Landfill Maintenance Building, 3125 ST Rt 3, Fulton

September 10th: Oswego County DPW Parish Garage, 24 Dill Pickle Alley, Parish

October 15th: Minetto Town Highway Garage, 111 County Rt 31, Oswego

Public Health Law requires all dogs, cats and ferrets be vaccinated by 4 months of age against rabies.

For more information visit: Oswego County Health Department, 70 Bunner St., Oswego, NY 13126. Phone: 315-349-3564

4-Way Stop Sign on Bull Run Rd

Attention Town of Albion residents: This Notice is to inform you that the Town Board has voted on and passed a Resolution to have a STOP Sign put up at the end of Bull Run Road and Towne Road. The resolution is as follows:

STOP SIGN & STOP AHEAD SIGN: Corner of Bull Rd Road & Towne Road

BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Albion, Oswego County, New York, at a meeting of said Board on the 23rd day of December 2024, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Town of Albion Town Board has found it necessary to install a STOP SIGN and STOP AHEAD SIGN at the corner of Bull Run Road and Towne Road, making the intersection a 4-WAY STOP in conjunction with the Town of Richland, which put a STOP SIGN at the corner of F. Lacey (which becomes Bull Run Road) and Towne Road. The Town of Albion believes that placing a STOP SIGN and any necessary extra signage at this intersection, thereby making a 4-WAY STOP will make it a safer intersection and alleviate previously noted speeding problems along that stretch of road.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Town Board gives the Highway Department permission to install said STOP SIGN and STOP AHEAD SIGN – warning of new STOP sign.

Dated this 23rd day of December 2024.

Councilman Rick Stowell – aye Councilman Vern Mowers – aye

Councilman Corey Holcomb – aye Councilman Steve Steinfeld – aye

Supervisor Mike Faulkner – aye

Altmar Little Free Library

For those residents that do not know, the Town of Albion has a Free Little Library in front of the municipal building at 15 bridge St., Altmar. This little library is sponsored by the Williamstown Library, and is run by Dori Rolon, steward.

You can take a book, leave a book (NO Profanity). If you have any suggestions on what kind of literature you would like to read, please contact Dori Rolon at 315-964-2520 or at the following:

Facebook – AltmarLittleFreeLibrary


Oswego AmeriCorps

We are hiring! Join our team

Benefits : Living Allowance; Educational Award; 300,450,900 hours contracts; Learn marketable skills.

Send your resume’ to or

For more information Youth Bureau of Oswego County, 70 Bunner St., Oswego, NY 13126, 315-349-3408 or

National Grid Increase of Annual Delivery Revenue

National Grid is proposing to increase its electrical delivery revenues by approximately $525 million (20% increase). It also proposes to increase its gas delivery revenues by approximately $148 million (28% increase). The proposed new rates would be monthly increase to electric = $18.92 and monthly increase to gas = $18.34.

NYS Dept. of Public Service Commission will be holding three-in-person public hearings and one virtual public hearing between 9/17/24 – 9/25/24 at the following sites:

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 6:00pm: Albany Public Library Auditorium, 161 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12210

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 6:00pm: Clay Town Hall Town Board Meeting Room, 4401 Route 31, Clay, NY 13041

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 4:00pm: Buffalo Central Library Auditorium, 1 LaFayette Square (Clinton St. entrance), Buffalo, NY 14203

The virtual Hearing will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 1:00pm The Electronic Access:; Event Number: 161 799 6102, Password: Sept25-1pm. The phone access: 518-549-0500, access code:161 799 6102, phone-in password: 73782501.

Any person wishing to provide a public statement on the record during the virtual public hearing must register by 3:00pm on Monday, September 23, 2024 by visiting, where they should click “Join” at the top right hand corner.

To register and to provide a statement by phone: By 3:00pn on Monday, September 23, 2024, by calling 1-800-342-3330, follow the prompts to the appropriate hearing, then provide your first & last name, address & phone number. On the day of the virtual public hearing, dial 518-549-0500 and enter the access code and phone in password. All participants must be muted upon entry.

For those who cannot attend any of the hearings you may write your comments to the Commission and refer to “Case 24-E-0322-National Grid” or “Case 24-G-0322”. All comments must be received by February 28, 2025.

Internet or Mail: Go to, click on “File Search” and enter “24-E–322”, or “24-G-0323”.

Oswego County is Hiring!

Help Program: Get hired this year with NO CIVIL SERVICE EXAM! Oswego County has been approved to fill the following positions with NO EXAM for a one-year period: Caseworker, Caseworker Aide, Community Service Worker, Social Welfare Examiner, Support Examiner. *Exams are still required for all other DSS positions*

What this means to you: You must still meet the minimum qualifications required for each position. You don’t need to worry about passing an exam and being reachable on the exam is to be considered for hire. You can feel confident leaving a current job without worries of passing an exam at a later date. Your only concern is your performance on the job, not your exam score. When the HELP Program period expires, you will remain in your position with no exam.

Employee Benefits (specific benefits vary based on union): Health Insurance; Prescription Drug benefit; Paid holidays: annual & sick leave; Life Insurance (no cost to employee); Flexible Spending (FSA); Dental & Vision (union sponsored); NYS Retirement; Deferred Compensation plan; Tuition Reimbursement; Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

To apply now go to: or or call 315-349-8209.

Oswego County Veteran Services Agency

Consists of trained Veteran Services Officers that will assist veterans, their spouses, and dependents with filing for VA benefits. They will also assist with VA claims such as Disability Compensation; Pension; Burial; Survivor Benefits; Education & Home Loan.

To schedule an appointment at any of the following locations, please call 315-591-9100, or email: The offices are closed for lunch from Noon to 1pm.

The Main Office is located at 200 N. 2nd St. , Fulton. Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. from 8am to 4pm and on Thursday, from 8am to Noon.

VA Outpatient Clinic is located at 293 NYS Rt 104, Oswego every Tuesday from 8am to 4pm.

H. Douglas Barclay Courthouse is located at 1 Broad St., Pulaski the 1st & 2nd Thursday from 8am to 4pm.

Oswego County’s Office for the Aging

Transportation to out of County Doctor appointments for those 60+ years of age. To register for a ride please call the OFA Office at 315-349-3484. Reservations are required.

Upcoming Events: Thursday, June 20th at the Oswego Farmer’s Market, the Longest Day Event will happen. This will begin at 4:45pm with a short presentation then followed by a walk around the Bridge St & Utica St. bridges.

The 2024 Senior Picnic has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 14th. This will be at the Mexico VFW.

Transportation update: The Office for the Aging was able to provide 12 trips to date. All trips were to Syracuse. GoGo Grandparent has added local Taxi Companies to their list of options.