The supervisor of the Town of Albion is Mike Faulkner: 315-298-5545/315-402-5268 email: supervisor@townofalbion-ny.us
Albion’s Town Board members are:
- Corey Holcomb: 315-935-6773 email:corey@townofalbion-ny.us
- Steve Steinfeld: 315-283-8498 email: steve@townofalbion-ny.us
- Vern Mowers: 315-298-6176 email: vern@townofalbion-ny.us
- Rick Stowell : 315-298-4328 email: rick@townofalbion-ny.us
- Town Clerk/Tax Collector is Amy J. Ford: 315-298-5545 email: clerk@townofalbion-ny.us
Town Justice : Judge Howard Allen: phone: 315-298-6325 fax: 298-5793 – 1st & 3rd Monday’s @5:00pm
Superintendent of Highways: Steve Cronk : 315-806-5949/315-298-5527 email: highway@townofalbion-ny.us or stevecronk73@gmail.com
Code Enforcement Officer is Alex Mills: 315-955-8027 email: code@townofalbion-ny.us
Superintendent of Cemeteries is Brenda Walter: 315-298-1260/315-447-4794
Dog Control Officer is Steve Cronk: 315-298-3312/315-809-5949
Assessor is Michael Maxwell: 315-391-8323
e-mail address is assessor@townofalbion-ny.us